No matter how complicated your current situation is (or isn’t), February brings cosmic energy to heat things up and deepen your connections, starting when mesmerizing love goddess Venus moves into your first house on the fourth and has you turning heads and breaking hearts. With your charm and confidence at an all-time high, you could really cause some romantic chaos.
Deepening your emotional connections is a given during the Venus-Pluto sextile on February 7, because this intense aspect adds another dynamic layer to your love life. Whether you’ve been in love with a current partner for years or are just getting to know someone new, deep conversations and vulnerability are encouraged.
The daring Leo full moon on the twelfth casts a passionate vibe as it illuminates your romance and self-expression zone and strikes your love life with a surge of electric energy. Don’t hold back, Aries. Tell your crush how into them you are, or plan a recommitment ceremony for you and your long-term love.
Your confidence continues late in the month as your powerful leader Mars turns direct in empathetic Cancer on February 23 and helps eliminate any lingering relationship frustrations or communication blocks. As a renewed sense of clarity and purpose for your love life begins to emerge, the future looks hopeful. It’s time to go all in.
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Venus, your ruling planet, makes some major moves this month, so get ready to experience a whirlwind romance, starting with a dreamy Venus-Neptune meetup in emotional Pisces on February 1. Whether you’re single or attached, this cosmic conjunction heightens your romantic senses and abilities and inspires a deep longing for connection both in and out of the bedroom.
Passionate encounters can really pick up steam as Venus pairs with hot-blooded Aries on the fourth and gives off passionate vibes that some Bulls might find too hot to handle. If you’re single, take a risk and put yourself out there. In a relationship? This daring transit brings a playful and competitive edge that helps you embrace spontaneity and encourages you to try exciting new things together.
It’s time to dip deeper into your emotional waters as the sun enters sensitive Pisces on February 18 and shifts your focus to emotional connections. You’re encouraged to be a little more vulnerable now, and whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just casually dating, prioritize creating a safe space for more intense bonding and intimacy.
Communication really becomes a key to happiness as a Mercury-Mars trine arrives on the twenty-third and reminds you how important it is to be clear and confident when you’re speaking your truth. Your needs and desires are important, so don’t hesitate to make your intentions known.
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February is a month of opportunity and growth for Geminis in love. With a harmonious Mercury-Jupiter trine arriving on the third, you’ll be feeling optimistic about your current situation and/or prospects. Expanding your social circle helps both attached and single Twins connect with lovers on a deeper, more meaningful level.
Mercury, your chatty ruler, drifts into dreamy Pisces on February 14, emphasizing the importance of emotional sensitivity and intuitive understanding. Singles might find themselves drawn to a thoughtful artist type (hello, Cancer), so don’t hesitate to get really vulnerable with this person. And if you’re already in a relationship, making flirty romantic gestures and having the ability to start heartfelt conversations are your biggest flexes.
A dynamic Mercury-Mars trine on the twenty-third brings a wave of excitement to your love life, but be careful not to drown in it. If you’ve been going through a dry spell lately when it comes to sex, it’s too easy to overdo it when more opportunities open up. Enjoy the renewed sense of desire and playfulness, but let things develop naturally so you don’t seem desperate.
The new moon is also in understanding Pisces on February 27, generously offering you a fresh start. Whether you’re single or attached, take some time to reflect on your emotional needs and desires. This is a powerful time for manifestation, so set meaningful intentions for the kind of love you want to attract or develop.
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Good things happen when you trust yourself this month, Cancer. With Venus, the planet of love, entering fiery Aries on February 4, ambition and drive are your biggest turn-ons. If you’re single, someone you meet through work could have romantic potential. And if you’re already in love, inspiring and supporting each other’s success should be top priority.
The Leo full moon on the twelfth illuminates your house of values and self-worth, reminding you not to settle for less than you deserve. During this powerful time for reflecting on what truly matters to you in a current or potential relationship, honest communication is the key to navigating any challenges that arise during this revealing lunation.
As the sun enters dreamy Pisces and your adventure and expansion zone on February 18, you’ll be looking for a deep, intense personal connection. Single Crabs want more than just a fling, and the coupled up want proof that they’ve found their soul mate. Whatever your situation, you need a partner who shares your thirst for knowledge and exploration.
The Pisces new moon on February 27 hits the very same house and amplifies the dreamy solar energy, offering you a chance to see things from a new perspective. If you’re single, be open to meeting new people, especially those from different backgrounds or cultures. Attached? Dream big with your partner. Discuss your hopes and aspirations for the future and consider how you can support each other’s personal growth.
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Whether coupled or single, the month begins with a powerful sun-Mercury conjunction in Aquarius, your opposite sign, on February 9 that highlights the status of your love life. Communication and compromise are major keys to romantic happiness now.
An incredible full moon in your own sign on the twelfth brings out your emotions, causing a wave of confidence and self-awareness as well as a heightened sensitivity to the needs of others. This is a good time for attached Lions to find new ways to express your appreciation for bae, or for single Leos to swipe right on people who seem to align with your values.
Expect introspective, dreamy vibes as your confident leader sun enters watery Pisces on February 18. This is a time for both attached and single Leos to turn inward and reflect on your emotional needs and desires. As you feel a pull toward spirituality or creative pursuits, you need someone by your side who will support you as you move in new directions.
Competitive Mars goes direct in intuitive Cancer on the twenty-third, spotlighting your subconscious zone. Your secret desires move toward the surface now, encouraging you to spend time with someone who enjoys your honesty about your romantic or sexual fantasies. You can also be drawn toward secret love affairs now, because even though you know there will be consequences, you can’t ignore the thrill of the forbidden.
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A new month kicks off with a harmonious Mercury-Jupiter trine on February 3 that enhances your mental clarity and communication skills. This is a great time for both married and single Virgos to have important conversations, whether you’re discussing future plans with bae or telling a potential partner how you feel.
Lucky Jupiter stations direct in your career zone on the fourth, which brings new energy and chances for growth or recognition to your professional life. If you’re partnered with someone, you’re going to want their support now, while single Virgos can attract potential admirers or partners through your job or other public activities.
On February 14, your leader Mercury enters understanding Pisces, your opposite sign, which shifts your focus to relationships and partnerships. The Universe is really encouraging you to see things from a current or potential partner’s perspective now and suggesting that you approach romantic interactions with empathy and compassion.
A Pisces new moon arrives on the twenty-seventh, marking a fresh start in your relationships. This is an ideal time for both taken and single Virgos to set intentions for the future by manifesting your desires. What does your ideal partner look like? What are their values in life? Knowing what you want before you open your heart to someone new or commit to continuing a current relationship is a must.
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With a potent Venus-Neptune conjunction in Pisces on February 1, your month is off to a pretty good start! Attached Libras, give yourself permission to get swept away by romance as you feel a profound spiritual connection with bae. Single? Falling head over heels for someone who seems too good to be true can be a thing now. Fairytale romances do exist, but getting lost in unfair expectations only leads to disappointment.
A passionate vibe ignites as Venus shifts into fiery Aries on the fourth. If you’re in a relationship, things seem new and exciting, so be bold, adventurous, and spontaneous! If you’re still looking for “the one,” you’ll be drawn to assertive and independent people who aren’t intimidated by your newfound rizz.
Communicative Mercury’s entry into soft-hearted Pisces on February 14 enhances the dreamy atmosphere, so communication becomes more intuitive and empathetic. You’re encouraged to deepen your emotional connection with a current or potential partner by sharing your dreams and fears and being vulnerable.
Nurturing asteroid Ceres also enters Pisces on the twenty-third, emphasizing the importance of emotional support and compassion in existing or developing relationships. Taking on a more compassionate role shows that you have the ability to be a comforting, understanding presence in someone’s life.
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When beautiful Venus enters fiery Aries on February 4, your love life is lit. This is an exciting time to spice things up with a current lover or FWB by introducing new positions and fun sex toys and games. And because this hits your everyday routine zone, single Scorpios should look for potential love interests through work or while going to the gym or running errands.
A powerful Venus-Pluto sextile on the seventh intensifies your passion and makes you want to intensify your connection to a current partner or potential love interest. Being vulnerable is encouraged because it allows you to truly connect on a soul level. Use this energy to strengthen your bond with a current partner or attract potential partners who challenge you to grow and evolve.
Your powerful home planet Mars goes direct while in fellow water sign Cancer on February 23, energizing your adventure and expansion zone. Stepping outside your comfort zone and exploring new horizons with a current partner or crush amps up the excitement level. Zero prospects? Traveling increases your chances of meeting someone special.
The Pisces new moon on the twenty-seventh offers you a fresh start, so this is a perfect time to write out some intentions or make a vision board. You really can manifest your romantic desires, Scorpio, especially if you tap into your psychic, intuitive subconscious. Your dreams reveal so much. Don’t ignore their bizarre symbolism.
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A harmonious Mercury-Jupiter trine arrives on February 3, enhancing your communication skills and broadening your perspective. This is an excellent time for both married and single Archers to have meaningful conversations, share ideas, and expand your knowledge with that special someone.
Jupiter, your lucky ruling planet, stations direct in Gemini, your opposite sign, on the fourth, bringing your focus to relationships. You finally have a renewed sense of optimism and possibility when it comes to your love life that you haven’t had in a while, which feels fantastic. Be honest as you explore new ways to connect with current or potential partners.
As Juno, the asteroid of commitment, enters your sign on the twentieth, you’re longing for a deeper connection with someone. Partnered Sagittarius might feel a renewed sense of commitment to their relationship, while singles might be ready to (gasp!) settle down or take a relationship to the next level. Whatever happens, mutual respect is key.
Also on February 20, a challenging Mercury-Jupiter square brings the potential for misunderstandings and miscommunication, so it’s important that you’re cautious about your words and actions. Jumping to conclusions, whether you’re involved with someone or just getting to know a potential date, leads to unnecessary conflict and premature or unfair judgments.
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The Venus-Aries pairing that starts on February 4 really gets something going in your love life, Capricorn. When this transit hits with a burst of energy and enthusiasm, you feel a renewed sense of passion and desire for an ex, current partner, or crush. Don’t hold back. It’s time to be assertive and go after what you want.
On the ninth, aggressive Mars trines rule-following Saturn, your ruling planet, bringing a welcome dose of stability to your current and developing relationships. This harmonious aspect helps you channel your energy effectively and make progress toward your goals, so your ideal match now is a responsible and mature individual who appreciates your ambition and drive.
As chatty Mercury enters sweet Pisces on February 14, your intuition increases. When you tap into your creativity and imagination, you’re able to express your emotions through art, music, and writing. Who is the recipient of all that creative talent going to be? Be picky about who you share your artistic, spiritual side with.
The new moon in Pisces on the twenty-seventh helps you get a fresh start in a romantic situation that went sideways, but being overly idealistic can be a stumbling block. Are things better? Absolutely. Are they perfect, though? Not even close. You still have a long way to go, but at least you’re feeling hopeful and optimistic for the first time in a while.
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There’s a helpful trine between your cosmic guide Mercury in your sign and Jupiter in Gemini on February 3 that brings an optimistic vibe that leads to expansive thinking. You absolutely need stimulating conversation now, so hopefully a current or potential partner can keep up with your witty banter about current events and conspiracy theories.
Your love gets a needed fiery boost when love diva Venus partners with aggressive Aries on the fourth and injects a surge of confidence and a desire for exciting, spontaneous connections. If you’re single and looking, don’t be surprised to find yourself drawn to bold, independent people (especially fire signs). In a relationship? Use this energy to spice things up in the bedroom. Quickies can be quite satisfying now.
Strategic Pallas enters your brainy sign on February 16, adding another layer of intellectual, strategic thinking to your already brilliant mind. No matter what your romantic sitch, you benefit from this influence by finding clever solutions to problems and approaching current or potential relationships with a much more insightful perspective.
When Mercury forms a supportive sextile to your innovative leader Uranus on February 27, you’re dying to break free from your regular routine. You might find yourself doing almost anything just to shake things up in your love life, which can have varying effects. Trying new things or exploring unconventional ideas can lead to the excitement you crave.
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Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.
This is a magical month for you, Pisces, because there is a ton of cosmic energy targeting your first house of personal transformation and new beginnings. A potent Venus-Neptune conjunction in your first house gets things started on February 1, elevating your natural allure and charisma and making you irresistible to others. If getting swept off your feet by a whirlwind romance is on your bucket list, get ready to check it off!
As Mercury enters your first house on the fourteenth, your communication skills improve, allowing you to stand up for how you feel and express yourself better. Although you’re still an introvert who prefers to avoid confrontation, you strive to be understood by speaking up now.
The sun’s move into your intuitive sign on February 18 is the start of a monthlong time of renewal and rebirth that can be used for setting powerful romantic intentions and manifesting your love dreams. Both single and attached Pisces can use this energy to focus on personal growth, self-care, and creating a life that truly aligns with your soul’s purpose.
Ceres, the asteroid of nurturing and care, enters your first house on the twenty-third, and a new moon follows four days later, both further emphasizing the importance of self-love and self-care. Prioritizing your emotional and physical well-being is important now, because you can create the life you want by believing that you deserve it.
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Today's Free Reading: When you demand a quick "Yes" or "No" answer and simple explanation, consult your Instant Answer Tarot.