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Labor Department will help laborers looking for jobs abroad, service will start in next three months

Labor Minister Jivesh Mishra
Time to Read 2 Min
Pankaj Prasad

Interested applicants going from Bihar to abroad for employment can get their registration done in the employment office of the concerned district.

Rishabh PantThe Labor Department has given the responsibility to its officers to help people going abroad for jobs. The department has made the nodal officer to monitor the laborers and help them to get jobs according to their qualifications. For the convenience of the workers, it has been decided to issue a toll free number within the next three months.

Will be able to register in districts also

Interested applicants going from Bihar to abroad for employment can get their registration done in the employment office of the concerned district. They will be informed about the vacancy on their merit abroad in the near future. A message will be sent to their number from the employment office. Along with this, they will be called and told at which place what work they have to do. What facilities and salary will they get during the job? Full information about this will also be given.

Department will help in case of death of laborers abroad

In case of death of those working abroad on behalf of Labor Resources Department, then the dead body of the deceased will be brought from the level of the department. But this decision will be taken at the behest of the family members. If the family members want to perform the cremation of the deceased there, then in that direction also cooperation will be given from the level of the department.

Fake agency will be monitored

The nodal agency of the department will help those laborers who may have been trapped in some way abroad or the agency through which they would have been sent abroad. He has cheated them by taking money. Action will be taken against those agencies and if they want to leave the work in the middle and return to the country, then they will be brought back.

will get employment opportunity

Minister of Labor Resources Department Jivesh Kumar said that Bihar State Overseas Planning Bureau has been granted the license of Recruiting Agent by the Ministry of External Affairs. Applicants willing to go abroad in near future will get employment opportunity by the Bureau. Toll free number will also be started in the next three months.

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