Kaun banega Crorepati Question: The reality quiz show 'Kaun Banega Crorepati' has started and this season new contestants are coming on the hot seat to try their luck and playing interesting games. All the contestants come with the dream of becoming a millionaire in the show, if one of them really becomes a millionaire, then she takes home a lot of money. But sometimes such contestants also come in the show who lose their money even with the winning amount due to their cleverness. One such contestant has now reached the hot seat of the show.
Lost 1 lakh 60 thousand amount
Vaishnavi Singh, a resident of Jabalpur,
Madhya Pradesh, sat on the hot seat. Due to her stubbornness, she lost an amount of 1 lakh 60 thousand. She is a content writer by profession, who writes for companies. Well, initially she played the game well. But later because of her mistake, she got into trouble. Vaishnavi easily won 80 thousand rupees but gave the wrong answer to the question of 1 lakh 60 thousand rupees.
this was the question
Now what was the question, listen to that too. Big B put the question in front of Vaishnavi – which is the present country, where a city has been renamed as Teen Murti-Haifa Chowk? The first option was - South
Sudan, second - South Africa, third - Jordan, fourth -
no lifeline
When Vaishnavi Singh could not answer this, the host of the show also scolded her. Because the contestants were telling themselves fond of traveling. Not only this, she also had a lifeline but she did not use it. she said that she was thinking far away. she threw all the hard work away by putting a trick. And hanged on 10 thousand. Let us tell you that the correct answer is
Jackpot prize also added
Clips related to the show are becoming increasingly viral on social media. Kaun Banega Crorepati 14 airs Monday-Friday at 9 pm. On the occasion of completion of 75 years of independence, the makers have increased the jackpot prize to Rs 7.5 crore. Also, this year another stop of Rs 75 lakh has been added which can help the contestants to win huge prize money.